Tian, Qiao

Tian, Qiao


Address: Group 1, Upper Yun Village, Lancang County, Yunnan Province, China,

Guadian: Zhengrong Tian 

Relation to Applicant:Grandfather 

Phone:[wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=unexpired]86-150-0875-9155[/wp_eStore_APR] 

Hardship Details:His father died of drug, mother is missing. Raised by his grandfather. No income.

Family members & Yearly income(USD): (2019/2)[wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=unexpired]

Yilong TianFatherDied of drug$
Lihong WeiMotherMissing$
Zhengrong TianGrandpano job$


Current School: The Second Middle School, Lancang County, Yunnan Province, China

Grade:8th Grade

Scores last Semester(2018 Dec): 

Chinese: 78Mathematics: 80

Life Goal: Become a drummer.


Education Costs: [wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=unexpired]

Tuition & fees:$


Cost Bearer:Grandpa
Received any financial aid in the past?Agaped D.C.
Agape Sponsored (2019)$215/¥1500



Start Date: 2/2019

Ceased Date: 




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  • 2/8/2019: Rev. Qinglin Shi & Yuangui Dai visited his family and verified his situation.  A stipend of RMB 1500 was granted. 2019 Feb Application.
  • 2/24/2018: Coworkers from Wenxian County Church visited his family and verified his situation. A stipend of RMB 1500 was granted. The 2018 application form was lost.


[wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=expired]
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Sponsor Amount: $300/year.

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