Song, Guangqiang

Song, Guangqiang

Male, 5/7/2004

Address: Group 1, Yunlong Tea Factory, Yixiang Zhen, Simao City, Yunnan, China

Guardian: Meixiu Luo 

Relation to Applicant:Grandmother 

Phone:[wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=unexpired]86-184-87768479[/wp_eStore_APR] 

Hardship Details:Both parents died when he was little, never seen them. His adoptive father suffers of mental illness and couldn’t take care of him. So his grandmother raised him ever since. Extremely poor.  

Family members & Yearly income(USD): (2021/2)[wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=unexpired]

Shigang LengFatherDead$
Youhua QianMotherDead$
Meixiu LuoGrandma 75no job$492
Shengyong SongAdoptive Father47Mental Illness$


Current School: Yifu Middle School, Simao City, Yunnan, China

Grade:9th Grade

Scores last Semester(2020 Dec): 

Chinese: 72Mathematics: 60
English: 67Politics: 61
 History: 73Physics: 52
 Chemistry: 43

Life Goal: Take advantage of the long wind to break the waves.

Education Costs: [wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=unexpired]

Tuition & fees:$62


Cost Bearer:Grandma
Received any financial aid in the past?Agape D.C.
Agape Sponsored (2021)$307/¥2000


Start Date: 3/2017

Ceased Date: 




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  • 2/15/2021: Due to coronavirus pandemic, we asked local coworker Elder Yang and brother Tao to revisit their family and verified her situation. A stipend of RMB2000 ($307) was granted and distributed. 2021 Feb Application and distrubutation video-1, part-2, part-3Thanksletter
  • 2/8/2019: Visited and verified by Rev. Qinglin Shi & Yuangui Dai. A stipend of RMB 1500 was granted. 2019 Feb Application.
  • 2/24/2018: Verified by coworkers from Wenxian County Church. A stipend of RMB 1500 was granted. 2018 Feb application form was lost.
  • 3/11/2017: Visited and verified by Rev. Qinglin Shi & Yuangui Dai. A stipend of RMB 1500 was granted. 2017 March Application [/wp_eStore_APR]

[wp_eStore_APR expiry=0 status=expired]
Sponsor this child to view Full Information.

Sponsor Amount: $300/year.

We will send you a reminding email 30 days before renewal.

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